We are now several weeks into the new story – “The Raven Princess” – based on a Grimm’s Fairy Tale, as are many of our other stories. When the princess was just a young child, her mother the Queen was trying to get her to have an afternoon nap; the child refused and threw a [...]
In our Fall 2013 Creative Arts Program for Youth the participants got to dramatize two stories – the first was planned and run by me, Kathleen Purdy, and Music Therapist Heather Price. We chose the story of Iron John. Based on a Grimm’s Fairy Tale, the story relates the adventures of a young prince who [...]
Here it is – half way through the summer, and I am just now finding the time to consolidate my thoughts on the very full but rewarding winter and spring just passed. Working in my garden has given me time to ponder all that has transpired and a moment or two to think about [...]
To read about the exciting adventures of the Alexander Society over the past year, click on the link below photo: 2012 in review
Jam Dance is a program that is designed to bridge the gaps that separate people. It is an inclusive form of guided creative physical and musical play. It embraces the distinct gifts of each person and encourages sharing and empathy. The whole experience is alive with possibilities and opportunities to discover our selves, each [...]
Flying with the sparrow: How legends empower people with disabilities In this presentation Nicola will share her experiences in the UK, Japan and South Africa. She will: – Talk about storytelling in the lives of people with disabilities – Show examples of the work of Openstorytellers, the world’s first company of storytellers with intellectual [...]
For the last three Wednesdays, Music Therapist Heather Price and I (Kathleen) have brought Interactive Storytelling and Music Therapy to youth at a local Residential Home. All the participants are in wheelchairs, are non-verbal and some are blind. So music was the main ingredient. We based the program on the story of The King, The [...]
Free information session on “Underlying causes of Learning Difficulties”. What happens if certain developmental stages such as crawling, or achieving hand dominance are not met? This presentation will address the relationship between developmental milestones and the skills needed for learning reading, writing and math. You will learn about some of the “red flags” that could [...]
Interactive Storytelling and Music Therapy for children aged 6 – 12 began on January 24 in Wolfville in an after-school program. The program is facilitated by Kathleen Purdy and Music Therapist Heather Price, with the support of volunteers from Acadia and the local high school, as well as three music therapy students who are completing [...]